All families have the right to be happy. 
The “We Are Family” campaign looks to restore this family happiness to all families of the world. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has had immeasurable impacts on our families’ lives. Strict lockdown rules enforced shrunk each family member’s lives into the 4 walls of the household exposing the ill-developed concepts of the family: family function, family communication, and family happiness. This showed itself in the statistics of increased cases of domestic violence leading to the WHO urging governments to turn their attention to finding a solution to this. More specifically in South Africa, domestic violence is a daily reality for many families and therefore we feel now more than ever restoring the family unit and recovering its happiness is crucial and the campaign a start to this process.

A healthy family.
A healthy society.
A healthy world.

Everyone in the world is a member of the family. There are many problems for every family in the world. Everyone in the world wants their family to be happy.
All families have the right to be happy.

A healthy family makes a healthy society,
a healthy society makes a healthy country, and a healthy country makes a healthy world.


‌We are family 

‌Our world is transformed‌.
Together in our mission is to restore 
and not to break down. 
The “WE ARE FAMILY” is united in 
a common goal.